Blazing Tee Entertainment 

Blazing Tee Entertainment 


The Entertainment of a New Generation!

Your Ultimate Destination for Entertainment and Fun!

We have more content on buy me a coffee.    This is exclusively for our members who need exclusive Entertainment and Genuine Conversations!

We have more content on buy me a coffee. This is exclusively for our members who need exclusive Entertainment and Genuine Conversations!

  Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey filled with laughter, excitement, and unforgettable moments? Look no further!

Blazing Tee Entertainment

is your one-stop destination for all things entertainment, guaranteed to captivate your senses and keep you coming back for more.  

I am glad to introduce the activities of Blazing Tee Entertainment, an independent entertainment company engaged in music entertainment , distribution and the marketing of consumer products, licensing and merchandising, Web Development, SMM, SMM Coaching, blog writing in all forms nationally and internationally.

An ambitious project which I have accepted to lead with the simple certainty, always at the highest levels in Kenya and abroad.

Buy me a Coffee!  Thank you!

Buy me a Coffee! Thank you!


You can support us by buying us coffee using the link provided. 

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Blazing Tee Entertainment is dedicated to ensure you get the best services with proven results.

We are dedicated not only to provide entertainment services but we also offer Web Development || Social Media Management Services || SMM coaching || Blog writing starting from ghost writing to copy writing.

SMM is what most start ups ignore only to later regret but it will be to late! Contact us today and make your business visible to your customers not only in Kenya but also globally.

Hit the Contact us button Now!

The Entertainment of a New Generation!

  Don't miss out on the latest buzz - subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest news, reviews, and exclusive content. Welcome to the ultimate entertainment destination   

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